Today Maya and I wanted to get summer hiking kicked off and the quickest path from our home to tree line is by way of Sharkstooth Trail.

Things changed a bit for us since we last went up to the pass two years ago. So we need a few updates here.

1. I don’t know how I always manage to get lost trying to find this trail head. It seems that a vital piece of information is that 2 miles past Transfer Campground you veer to the right on road 350 “Spruce Mill Road”. Also, I need to remember that the 1 1/2 miles from the sign that says Twin Lakes and Sharkstooth is long and bumpy and rocky and in should only drive the truck, not my poor little car.

2. Since we moved, it is 1 1/2 hours from our house to the trail head.

3. We hike faster! We left the trail head at 11:30 and we’re at the top of the pass by 1:00. Back at the car/trailhead by 3:00. Not bad.




