Problem: I want to pack light AND I must be prepared for every possibility. These two beliefs are in direct opposition to each other so I am constantly fiddling with what is in the pack. This includes 1. my day pack 2. my kids day pack 3. our backpacks for overnight trips and 4. the goat packs.

Most recent inclusions are:

Kids Day Pack

  1. whistle pinned on the outside – We have taught our kids that if they are ever lost to sit down, stay put and blow the whistle until someone finds them.
  2. “space blanket”- Same as above. If lost and cold wrap up in it and sit still.
  3. fleece jacket
  4. snacks
  5. water bladder – I find that if kids are using water bottles that have to be dug out of packs, they don’t drink enough. Having the hose right there to suck on eliminates constant stops to get out bottles and makes sure they drink plenty.
  6. entertainment – music/headphones, sling shot, bow and arrow, flower ID books, Barbies, stuffed animals, rocks, sticks, binoculars. The list is endless. The rule is “Your Toy = You Carry It”.



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